Become a Watershed Warrior!
Fountain Creek needs everyone to do their part to protect and enhance our shared waterways! Here are some simple things you can do from our partners.

Suggested for ages 6+
Sponsored by:
Colorado Springs Utilities
Catamount Institute
Colorado Springs Stormwater Enterprise
Colorado Springs Garden of the Gods Visitors and Nature Center
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District
Bear Creek Nature Center
Fountain Creek Nature Center
Colorado Springs TOPS, Leave No Trace
Rocky Mountain Field Institute
Pikes Peak Library District
Linked Documents and Third Parties
Please note that this site may link out to third-party websites that do not have accessible content. This site may also include documents provided by third parties. While we cannot control the accessibility of content provided by third parties, we are happy to assist any member of the public with reading and accessing content on our site. The Compliance Coordinator may be contacted at