Crew Leader Instructions

As a Crew Leader, you are responsible for managing your crew, so be prepared to take registrations and provide information to your volunteers. Please review the Crew Leader Forms and share them with your crew before your clean-up date.
2024 Cleanup Checklist - A helpful document to guide you through all aspects of Crew Leadership.
2024 Safety Guidelines - Must be reviewed with your Crew before work may begin.
2024 Individual Risk and Release Waiver* - For individual volunteers
2024 Group Risk and Release Waiver* - For multiple volunteers
*All volunteers must sign a risk and release waiver and submit to their Crew Leader. The Crew Leader will submit all forms to FCWD.
Material Pick-Up (Mandatory for Crew Leaders)

Crew Leaders are required to pick up their cleanup materials for their crews at one of the following times at the indicated locations. If you are unavailable, you may send someone in your place.
- COS Site Location: El Paso County Maintenance Shop located in Bear Creek Regional Park (1802 Creek Crossing St.)
- Pueblo Site Location: El Centro Del Quinto Sol Building near Skateboard Park (609 E 6th)
- Pick-up Dates and Times:
- Tuesday, September 17: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (COS)
- Wednesday, September 18: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (COS)
- Friday, September 20: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (COS)
- Tuesday, September 24: 6:00pm - 7:00pm (Pueblo - includes safety training)
Safety Training (Mandatory for Crew Leaders either in-person at the following time/location or opt to review info virtually)
- Fri. September 20, 5:30pm - 6:30pm @ El Paso County Parks and Recreation Offices at Bear Creek Regional Park (2002 Creek Crossing St. Colorado Springs, CO)
- Tue. September 24, 6:00pm-7:00pm @ El Centro Del Quinto Sol Building near Skateboard Park (609 E 6th. St. Pueblo, CO)
Optional Links and Resources
Clean Swell, Ocean Conservancy's ocean trash data collection app.. The data you collect will be added to data around the world and will help guide solutions to the problem of ocean trash.
Citizens collect data to document the flora and fauna in the Fountain Creek Watershed. The data collected will be important for future research, projects, and for future Southern Coloradans to know what flora and fauna existed in our watershed.
In Colorado Springs, report code enforcement and zoning violations. Violations include garbage, trash, pet waste and more.
Note: Links to some documents, videos, third party or external sites may not be fully accessible to those with disabilities. Contact FCWD at or the individuals below for assistance if needed.
Need more information? Have questions?
Contact Angie Schirtzinger, Watershed Outreach Coordinator,
Contact Susan Finzel, Pueblo Outreach Coordinator,