Monetary Mitigation Fund Advisory Committee
The Monetary Mitigation Fund Advisory Committee (MMFAC) was established by the District Board to conduct technical investigations and analysis on facilities and projects for which Monetary Mitigation funds (MMF) provided through Condition 6 of the Pueblo County SDS 1041 Permit will be used.
The MMFAC generally meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10am via Zoom. The meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change so be sure to check the calendar for changes.

Project Criteria and Requirements
Condition 6 of the Pueblo County 1041 permit for the Southern Delivery System (SDS) stipulates that in order to mitigate the impacts of SDS to Fountain Creek in Pueblo County, Colorado Springs Utilities will pay fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) over 5 years to the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District (District). Condition 6 further states that the District may use these funds provided by Colorado Springs Utilities “for one or more new projects in the Fountain Creek Watershed between Colorado Springs and the Arkansas River confluence in Pueblo that create a significant and not merely incidental benefit to Fountain Creek within Pueblo County for improvement of water quality, for flood control, or for prevention of erosion and sedimentation” (Pueblo County SDS 1041 Permit).
The Monetary Mitigation Fund Advisory Committee (MMFAC) is convened by the District to conduct technical investigations and analysis on facilities and projects for which Monetary Mitigation funds (MMF) provided through Condition 6 of the Pueblo County SDS 1041 Permit will be used. As such the Committee is tasked with developing a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to ensure MMF are allocated consistent with the Condition 6 terms in the Pueblo County SDS 1041 Permit. This CIP aims to capture the recommended projects for the budget year and serve as the foundation for further development of the CIP.
Colorado Springs Utilities shall make payments annually in equal installments of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) on January 15th beginning the year following completion and commencement of water deliveries through the SDS Pipeline from Pueblo Reservoir to Colorado Springs, less any advance payments, plus any accrued indexed amount for each of the four years thereafter. The first payment was made to the District on May 19, 2016, with the second payment made on January 15, 2017 and the third payment made on January 12, 2018. Further, the committee shall prepare recommendations regarding the need for, and use of, additional funding for the District to continue implementing flood, water quality, erosion, and sediment control projects beyond MMF.
2025 MMFAC Members
- Allison Schuch, Executive Director
- Terry Hart, Ciizen Advisory Group (CAG) Representative
- David Woolley, CAG Alternate
- Jonathon Moore, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Representative
- Andrew Callaghan, TAC Alternate
Pueblo County
- Jonathan Griffen, Pueblo County
- Aaron Brice, Pueblo County
- Katrina Purcell, Alternate
- Dominga Jimenez-Garcia, Alternate
Colorado Springs Utilities
- Kevin Binkley, CSU Water Projects and Programs
- Mark Shea, CSU Watershed Planning
- Annie Berlemann, CSU Watershed Planning, Alternate
- Jason Messamer CSU Wastewater Planning and Design, Alternate
- Allison Schuch – Chair
- Mark Shea – Vice Chair
- Aaron Brice – Secretary