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The Fountain Creek Watershed District has two standing committees required by statute:

  • Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) - The advisory committee made up of technical experts appointed by the Board to provide recommendations to the Board regarding public policy or expenditures of funds for the benefit of the watershed. 
  • Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) - The citizens appointed by the Board to represent various interests in the watershed and to consult with and offer advice to the Board on managing the watershed.

The Board has established or endorsed additional committees that meet as needed:

  • Monetary Mitigation Fund Advisory Committee (MMFAC) -Eestablished by the District Board to conduct technical investigations and analysis on facilities and projects for which Monetary Mitigation funds (MMF) provided through Condition 6 of the Pueblo County SDS 1041 Permit will be used.
  • Contracts - Established by the District Board to review and make recommendations on contract specifications and performance.
  • Finance - Established by the District Board to review, advise, and make recommendations to the Board on the finances and budget of the organization.
The District may also assign additional committees or subcommittees that meet as needed to implement specific projects, actions or initiatives. Examples include:
  • Executive Committee - Advise the Board on various subjects such as human resource policy, employment, staffing, employee benefits, legal matters, or other topics of a sensitive nature.
  • Creek Week Steering Committee - Assist the District to plan, organize and implement Creek Week or other cleanup activites in the watershed.
  • Strategic Planning  - Advise the Board on the creation and implementation of the strategic plan or particular projects identified in the plan.
  • Project Progress Review - Advise the Executive Director, TAC and MMFAC on a regular basis about the progress of projects approved for implementation by the Board.
  • Other committees or subcommittees approved by the Board, CAG or TAC.