Liquid Lecture
Sep 19th 6pm - 7pm
A monthly Brewshed® Alliance lecture series open to the community with a focus on watershed health, education, and engagement. Free to attend.

Liquid Lecture Flyer
A Liquid Lecture will be held on September 19th. The COS Creek Plan is a vision for the future stewardship of the Fountain Creek Watershed. Chris Lieber, COO of Pikes Peak Waterways and Principal Architect at N.E.S. Inc, will share his expertise in designing sustainable projects and how the COS Creek Plan is a vision for restoring the natural functions of the creek while creating a space for people to enjoy the outdoors.
- September 19th
- 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- Mash Mechanix Brewing Co , 429 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
- Please RSVP to Attendees receive $1 off beer!
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A program of the Fountain Creek Watershed District and the Fountain Creek Brewshed Alliance®
Hosted by Mash Mechanix Brewing Company - Click for map 429 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

**Discounts on beer!**