Rain Gardens

A Rain Garden (or raingarden) is an aesthetically pleasing and ecologically beneficial way to capture and reduce pollution from stormwater runoff. By planting a range of native and perennial plants you are supporting pollinators, naturally filtering water, and sprucing up your lawn. According to the Ground Water Foundation, rain gardens can remove up to 90% of nutrients and chemicals and up to 80% of sediments from the rainwater runoff. Rain gardens allow for 30% more water to soak into the ground which is much more effective than conventional lawns.
Colorado Water Center - Rain Garden Resources
The Colorado Stormwater Center with Colorado State University has many resources pertaining to rain garden installation.
Colorado Stormwater Center’s guide for building a rain garden in Colorado.
Colorado Stormwater Center’s Guide

Dynamic Earth Learning video: Rain Gardens
Do you have a rain garden? Want to share a photo? Please contact us here.

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