Pinon Bridge Bank Stabilization Project
Pueblo County Colorado

Project Details
- Bank ID Number: PC017
- Project Channel Length: 1,200 feet
- Estimated Project Cost: $2.3 Million
- Anticipated Completion: Spring 2019
Project Summary
The Project is located on Fountain Creek immediately upstream of Piñon Bridge, extending at least 1,200 feet upstream of the bridge. Built in 2004, Piñon Bridge replaced an earlier bridge located upstream that was washed away in the 1999 flood. Since its construction, the new Piñon Bridge has come under increased risk due to flood flows in Fountain Creek that has caused lateral migration and widening of the creek upstream of the bridge. As shown on the left, the bend immediately upstream of the bridge has widened significantly, creating a sharp turn against the west guide bank.
Work at Piñon Bridge will focus on realigning the creek to modify and enhance sediment transport capacity through the bridge and to promote long-term channel stability. Project components will include constructing a stable meander planform, bank stabilization, and revegetation. Construction is expected to begin in winter 2019.