2023 Creek Week Land Stewardship Project in Pueblo, CO
The Creek Week Land Stewardship Project in Pueblo, CO, is a Fountain Creek Watershed District collaboration with the City of Pueblo Parks and Recreation and CSU Extension Service-Pueblo County.
The FCWD collaborated with community partners to remove invasive Siberian elms and Russian olives near the creek shore and distribute native seeds at Confluence Park. Parks staff used heavy equipment to cut and chip a full truck load of branches, and Extension service staff and volunteers spread seed donated by Pawnee Butte Seed Company. More invasive removal will occur in summer 2024 along the Pueblo bike trail that follows the Fountain Creek.
For more information about noxious and invasive plants in Colorado click here or click these links to find out more about Siberian elm and Russian olive trees.

For more information on this project, please contact the Watershed Outreach Coordinator-Pueblo Area, Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District.