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Support Creek Week

A heartfelt thank you to those who’ve made the 10th Annual Creek Week Cleanup possible!

2023 Creek Week Sponsor Logos
Sponsor logos



Help continue the C​​reek Week legacy with Sponsorship

Creek Week relies on the generosity of our communities to sustain this critical program. Consider supporting with a cash or in-kind donation.

Creek Week is not just a week-long clean-up. It’s a community building, smiles-on-the-faces, bigger picture, healthy ecosystems, get outside and lend a hand event. This event has been so successful due in large part to our sponsors generous cash and in-kind donations. We appreciate each and everyone of you. You have helped this event grow into the largest river clean-up in the state of Colorado!

Fiscal Support

For a tax-deductible contribution, donate online with our fiscal partner Trails & Open Space Coalition:

Please contact the District at if you have difficulty with donation app accessibility.

Send checks to:

Fountain Creek Watershed District, Attn: Creek Week

PO Box 8100

Colorado Springs, CO 80933

Creek Week Sponsorship

2023 Creek Week Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
CW 2023 Sponsorship Letter .pdf